
Royal Grace Kennel Pomeranians

Raising Pomeranians in a loving and nurturing environment

Why Pomeranians are so “lovable”?

Generally-speaking, Pomeranians have a friendly and cheerful disposition. They are classified as a small dog, weighing from 2 to 4 kg, making them an easy breed to rear, even for first-time dog owners. Their small bodies with double coats and fuzzy fur are adorable. Because of their thick coats, daily brushing is essential. They need trimming about once a month, and once you get the hang of it, you can do it at home.

Their coats come in many colors with 13 approved colors, including white, black, orange sable, black tan, beaver, and red. Pomeranians continue to attract many dog lovers, as they can be found in so many different shades of color it is hard to believe that they are the same breed.

What is an orthodox Hadleigh Pomeranian?

Among the many Pomeranian varieties, including American and Russian types, the Hadleigh Pomeranian is considered exceptional. Hadleigh is a prestigious kennel that has produced more than 100 English Champion dogs in the U.K. The Hadleigh Pomeranian is the breed that is carrying on that blood. Mr. Kazumasa Igarashi, the head of the JKC Pomeranian Division, later replaced the Hadleigh Kennels’ representative and continues to protect the Hadleigh Kennels in Japan.

<Characteristics of Hadleigh Pomeranians>
Hadleigh Pomeranians are quite small, weighing around 2 kg, and are very elegant with slender, thin legs. A short-back body shape with a short torso is considered ideal.
The face has a short muzzle (the area from around the mouth to the tip of the nose) and elegant almond eyes with dull pupils. The older they get, the larger their eyes appear to get, making their adorable faces one of the most attractive features of the breed.
However, because of their small size and thin legs, care must be taken to avoid injuries and broken bones. The average lifespan is only about 10 years, but we strive every day to produce healthy and strong puppies.

All dogs in our kennel are champions

Many dog shows are held every year, including “all-breed shows” in which all breeds of dogs compete, “breed group shows” in which each breed group competes, and “single breed shows” in which only one breed of dog competes.

At our Royal Grace Kennel all Hadleigh Pomeranians are champions. At dog shows, dogs are judged on six criteria: type, quality, condition, soundness, balance, and character, and it is not difficult for a Hadleigh Pomeranian to meet these criteria.

Bred since 1950, Hadleigh Pomeranians with the characteristics of the prestigious Hadleigh Kennel, which has over 100 English Champion dogs in its bloodline, have transcended the ages and continue to be admired.

Safe birthing and secure breeding environment

As serial breeders, the well-being of our dogs is our top priority when it comes to breeding. A serial breeder is a breeder who does not operate solely for profit and always puts the dogs first.

Even though we are located in Tokyo, we have a breeding environment where the dogs can run around in the yard, a space for trimming, quality food, and attentive care, so we can spend time together as a precious family. Luxury overnight rooms are also available for guests coming from afar.

For births, we perform highly safe C-sections under the supervision of veterinarians whom we have trusted for many years in order to avoid stillbirths or difficult births that would burden the parent dog. From birth to two months of age, care is taken to ensure that parents and puppies can spend time together. A good period of nurturing by the parent dog will help the puppy grow up mentally and emotionally stable. Allowing time for the parent-child bond to develop will make it easier for dog lovers to welcome the dog into their own home as a family member.

We potty train our puppies as soon as they are able to walk.
Through our blog and Instagram page, we introduce the daily lives of mother dogs and puppies, so you can see the puppy’s growth for yourself.

The Future of the Royal Grace Kennel

Our goal is to preserve the traditional lineage of Hadleigh Dog Pomeranians and hand them over to families who will love them. Because they are a rare and small breed, we cannot have many litters at one time, but we usually keep about 20 dogs and aim to give away several a year.

In the meantime, we will continue to make life comfortable with each and every dog by providing advice on how to trim and train dogs at home, participating in dog shows, and developing pee pads in cooperation with manufacturers. We will continue to the happiness of all the dogs born from the Royal Grace Kennel and all those who support them.

Royal Grace Kennel Pomeranians Dog Shows